Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Finally got a picture of them

For the past few weeks we have seen deer tracks in our back yard and seen the "sign" that they were there (no those aren't black seeds!) We have also seen a buck and 2 does feeding in the pasture of the house behind us (the one with the horribly loud whiny dog). Well, tonight after the kids and I got home from church, we saw our friends in our backyard and in the neighbor's back yard. They were feasting on alfalfa that grows in our neighbor's unfinished yard. Sorry for the reflection on the picture. I didn't dare open the door or use the flash since I didn't want to scare them off. Now we are going to have to figure out how to fence in our garden so that it doesn't become deer food one night.

1 comment:

Coombs Family said...

Good luck with the fence, it would be awful to have them eat all of your garden. When did you start going to church at night?