Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Opinions needed...

We finally got our drywall repaired after the magical one year mark of being in our house. Now I can paint and decorate! It has been driving me crazy having walls all the same color. The first room I want to do is the living room/dining room. I'm thinking of doing blue, black and white sort of like this...

We already have white furniture in there...

I have so many little "knick nack" things that I want to get rid of from the last house that I no longer like. I'm just worried that I will hate the blue in a year and want to start all over again... hmmm...


Jason&Linze said...

I like it! Do you get tired of things easily? Blue is a fairly neutral color. If you have it for a year or two and get bored, you could always change the look of the room with accent colors.

Beckie said...

i like it too. i think as long as there is enough natural light it will look great.

Audra said...

I love it. I want to curl up in that picture and relax. That is the color I am looking at painting my bathroom. Do you get tired of things easily? If you do you could always repaint with another color that would match the white furniture:) I love to paint:)Have fun and please post pictures so we can see what you end up doing.

Coombs Family said...

I think you would love it! Blue is such a fun color but not obnoxious. Good luck deciding!

Jason&Linze said...

I love blues, our bedroom is blues. It seems so calming and refreshing. I light yellow would look greet in there too. Very airy and fresh!

Nelson said...

Love blue...go for it!

Kara said...

Your house always looks great, whatever you were to do! Speaking of houses we don't know what is up with the people that live in your old house or don't live there. There was a moving van like a month ago but no one new has moved in but there is cars there sometimes. Maybe if we were better neighbors! Tim and I always say we wish the Means still lived there!