Monday, April 7, 2008

Roxy is confused...

Roxy cannot figure out where Rosy is... She has been running around
the house crying all day. Everytime we let her out she runs to their
kennel and frantically looks around. It is going to take a while for
Roxy to get over losing her friend. The kids are doing well though.
Justin has been writing letters to Rosy in his journal and Alli has
been drawing pictures. When Anna woke up yesterday, she came
downstairs and said, "We need to go get Rosy at the creek... We left
her there." She doesn't quite understand what happened.


Jason&Linze said...

that is so sad! My grandparents had to put their cat down, and 2 months later Brady still walks around looking for him! (don't they say dogs are as smart has 2 year old kids?) anyways, I'm so sorry you guys lost your little Rosey!

Beckie said...

ok, this layout takes the i love it!!!! now i'm going to have to figure the header stuff out.

Jason&Linze said...

me too, I love it Laura! is it a special photoshop program?